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So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


In acts 13 Paul and Barnabus traveled throughout the island of Cyprus and came to a city called Paphos. Where they encountered Elymas the sorcerer. He opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, "You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?

Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun. Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand.

When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord.  

As we read God's word we can only marvel at the life changing power and work of the  Gospel and how God makes His enemies His children!  Paul spoke boldly and His words seem very confrontational, combative, even ferocious.

Wrestling souls away from the lying, stealing, killing slave master who traffics in misery and death can be a fight. I believe that truth exists and it is worth fighting for.  Whether you know it or not we are in a gospel war for truth.  We have the Holy Spirit to counsel and empower our fight.  He had called Paul, Barnabus and Mark to go and tell the foreign unbelievers the truth about Jesus.  He made them courageous.  He made the story of the gospel powerful to set captives free.

Paul was not Defensive.  He went on the offensive.

Martin Luther wrote a wonderful song that we often sing.  "Though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us.  God has willed His word to triumph through us. Did we in our own strength confide?  The right man is on our side!

We have the champion.  The Davidic King  is our Spiritual warrior. He will conquer this world with the word of His great power.

So the question is "Are you a soldier of Christ?   Will you arise and fight for souls?  

Masks have not stopped the virus and they will never stop the gospel.

The light of the world is Jesus!  We are soldiers of truth and love will conquer in the name of Jesus." I was dead in addiction to sin.  Jesus gave me a new heart.  He called me out of my grave."

So be ferocious for truth.  Do not be so nice that you never speak up for the truth.     Serve the Lord with gladness!

May God bless our work of love.  Pastor Jim.

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